
Glasses and Contacts Savings

In the past I normally paid around $392 for my glasses. With my EyeBenefits’ discount card, the exact same pair of glasses cost me $234. I literally saved $158.
- Jeff J. AZ
I just bought a new pair of glasses at Pearle Vision and saved $160, 30% off the total.
- Lucy R. GA
I have good health insurance, but it does not include Vision. During a regular visit to my eye doctor with my daughters, I asked how my EyeBenefits’ Discount Card could help out. I saved $212 on one pair of frames and lenses. I am already way ahead!
- Alex P. CA
I have been using EyeBenefits, going on five years now for my contact lenses. I swear they have the best pricing and the best part, there is no minimum requirement for free shipping.
- Trevor R.
My oldest son had a vision appointment prior to going to the first grade. After everything was done, the eye exam with the lens and frames added up to a total cost of $178 with my insurance. When I asked if they accepted my EyeBenefits’ discount card, which they did, it cut my cost to $98-- that's a savings of $80. So with just one visit to the eye doctor, I already saved what it cost to buy the card.
- Allison R. AZ
EyeBenefits has helped my family save a ton of money without needing to pay a high monthly premium for vision insurance. This has been a great alternative since my husband’s company no longer offers vision insurance. We found EyeBenefits online 2 years ago and have saved substantially on our children’s eyeglasses and contact lenses. We pay a one time yearly fee of $45 for our family membership and the great part is that our eye doctor we were seeing before was in network with EyeBenefits and we were still able to stay with the same doctor! I would highly recommend EyeBenefits.
- Diana G.

Lasik Savings

People who are considering Lasik surgery, EyeBenefits’ offers LASIK surgery in its plan. Of all the optical expenses you’re ever likely to incur this could be the most significant single bill. Most laser surgery is considered an elective procedure, so isn’t regularly covered by eye care insurance policies.
- Elizabeth T. TX
With my EyeBenefits membership I was able to afford Lasik surgery. I had a great experience with Qualsight, they made it so easy and comfortable for me. I can now see 20/20 without glasses or contacts. If I had to do it over again I would in a New York minute!
- David H.